Free Educational Websites
Links to free curriculum OETA Distance Learning Learn at home daily curriculum http://www.oeta.tv/blogs/ education/distance-learning- . . .
New Check-In Kiosk System
Guthrie Public Schools Using New Check-In Kiosk System Last spring, Guthrie parents may have noticed some new procedures when visiting schools. That was part of a test run with several different products for managing visitors to our . . .
Oklahoma Family Guides
If you have a PK-2nd Grader (Or if your child hasn't started school yet and you want to get a head start on their learning), please go to this link. These guides, which are designed to help in your child's learning, have just been . . .

Sign Up NOW for the News Update
Did you know there is a way to make sure you are always in the know when it comes to special announcements, schedule changes, and school closings at your school? How? Sign up to receive News Update/s. Click on . . .
Low Cost Internet For Households That Qualify for Free or Reduced Meals
Both Cox Communications and AT&T are providing low cost internet to households with K-12 children who are eligible for the National School Lunch Program, SNAP, and/or TANF; who receive Tenant-Based Vouchers, Project-Based Vouchers or . . .