School District Ward Boundaries -- Effective Sept. 2022
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It is the policy of the Guthrie Board of Education that as mandated by Oklahoma Statute, Title 26, Section 13A-103, an annual election, held for the purpose of electing a member or members of the board of education, shall be held on the second Tuesday in February. Every candidate for a position on the board shall file a notification and declaration for that office with the Logan County election board between the hours of 8 a.m. on the first Monday in December and 5 p.m. on the following Wednesday.
To be eligible to file a notification and declaration of candidacy, the prospective candidate must have been a registered voter in the election district, or ward, and a resident residing within said election district for at least six months immediately preceding the filing period. No person is eligible to be a candidate or to be elected to a board of education unless the person has been awarded a high school diploma or certificate of high school equivalency.
Board members shall be elected to serve a term of five years or until such time as their successors are duly appointed or elected and have qualified as prescribed by law. Terms of office shall be staggered so that one member shall retire from the board each Year. Any vacancy occurring, other than retirement, shall be filled by appointment by the board of education until the next annual school election.